Flame Failure Monitor

R.K. Instruments & Controls – RKIC Flame Failure Monitor with pilot is specially designed for igniting and monitoring flame in gas fired furnaces, boilers, flame screens, pilot flame in special atmosphere furnaces, flare gas chimneys, gas fired kitchen equipment etc.

Unlike the light sensitive detectors, RKIC Flame Detector is a direct monitor of flame through flame conduction. Thus it is unaffected by heat, ambient light or soot from the flame.



In multi-burner operation, individual burner failure can be monitored by RKIC Flame Failure Monitor by virtue of its unique operating principle. This is not possible with light Dependant monitors because of the effect of other burners on the light sensor. RKIC Flame Failure Monitor consists of an electrode of high temperature material (Can Withstand Up To 1200°C) and control box containing power source, amplifier, trigger circuit etc. When the flame sensing electrode is immersed in the flame (Pilot & Main)a small current flows through the circuit. This is used to detect the flame.

In addition to flame monitoring, the unit can be used as an automatic burner controller with Pilot and Main Burner. As soon as power is given to the controller after a gap of 5 Sec relay contacts to the Ignition Transformer and Pilot gas solenoid valve get energized. The monitor watches the presence of flame. Ignition Transformer contact is put off after 10 Sec and Pilot gas solenoid is kept on if the flame is detected. After a gap of 10 Sec, time required to stabilize the pilot flame, the main gas solenoid is switched on. Now the rod is in contact with both Pilot flame and Main flame. After allowing an overlap of 10 Sec for the Main flame to stabilize, the Pilot gas valve is switched off or kept on as per customer requirement (continuous Pilot or intermittent Pilot). In the event of flame being not detected for 10 Seconds due to malfunctioning of the burner system, both the Ignition Transformer and fuel supply will be put off and the controller will go into lock-out condition. Further ignition attempts can be made by pressing the reset button.

In case of failure of flame during operation, the ignition transformer will be energized automatically to initiate ignition. If the flame is established and detected as in the earlier case the ignition transformer will be put off and fuel line kept on. In the event of flame being not detected after Ignition attempt of 10 Seconds due to burner system malfunctioning both the ignition transformer and fuel supply will be put off and the controller will go in to lock out condition.