Virtually immune to interference due to its insensitivity to daylight,infrared radiation and incandescent bulbs.Maximum safety thanks to protection against discontinuity or short-circuit on the flame signal cable.
Suits industrial needs due to robust design.Complies with the requirements of EN 298 in conjunction with Kromschroder automatic burner control units and burner control units.
UVS 1, UVS 6 and UVS 8 will be replaced by UVS 10D,UVS 5 will be replaced by UVS 5G1
UV sensor Note Old New
UVS 10D0G1(1) Replaces UVS 1 with heat guard1). UVS 1 connection cable can continue to be used.
UVS 5G1 Old bracket, clamping collar and PVC connection cable can continue to be used.
UVS 10D0G1 UVS 6 connection cable can continue to be used.
UVS 8 UVS 10D2 UVS 8 connection cable can continue to be used.
1) With Rp 1/2 internal thread